Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hello World and Beyond!!!

Holaz 2 my peeps from outer space! Don't worry i didn't forget about you earthlings. I wana say hi 2 my bud girl named potato! The infamous blogger of potato says hi! btw b sure 2 check out all my fav vids in my next post! ttyl! l8ter! O.O


  1. U should make an email, Callie. Google it and see if u can make it.

  2. Hey, Daniel, guess what? No thanks! lol pownage! This blog is all i need. this, zwinky, skype, and girlsense. i can't possibly keep up with all of these AND an email. im not 500 people!

  3. Maybe u are 500 people. u just don't no it. Oh, and if u couldn't find my message, here it is: Don't listen to Tyler if he calls. He's been a rotten ass lately.

  4. Plus, when do u get on ur laptop?. i'll be on probably at 7:30 to 8:10 on school days. On the weekends, it's random.

  5. What is this talking bout you could just say HI HI HI H9 HI HI HI HI HI HI IH HI HI HI IH HI HI HI I H I HI IH IIH HI IHI IHIH IHHIHIHI HI HI HI HI OHIO

  6. do u small like butter

    -Potato Girl (Sabine) (Odd person who sits next to u in art class) (jubhoflumbo)

  7. i'm random right answer this at my blog ok under my last post comment ok

  8. Sabine don't but in. Potatoe Fan and i are friends, i think.

  9. E-mails are a lot better, Callie. That way people like Sabine can't listen to what i say. Hahahaha.

  10. Why don't u answer, Callie? U haven't replied for 2 days.

  11. Bored. Dad grounded me. From computer. I could go mad. He let me have 10 minutes. Tee-hee.

  12. tee-hee. that's 2 bad. wateves so yeah. hiya sabine.
